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Tettra Help Docs

API Endpoint: Create a Question

The Create a Question publishes a new Tettra page from the given HTML content.


 HTTP Method: POST



  • api_key - required - your API key; this determines the asker of the question  
  • title - required - the title of the question 
  • details - optional - additional details formatted as HTML 
  • category_id - optional - the category to ask the question in 
  • subcategory_id - optional - the subcategory to ask the question in (if category_id is also provided, the subcategory must be in the provided category) 
  • assignees - optional - array of user ids to assign the question to


curl -X POST \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   -H 'Accept: application/json' \
   --data \
       "title":"How do I create a question via api?",
       "details":"<h1>Hello world!</h1>",
       "assignees": [12, 22]
   ' \
