The Tettra slash command isn't working correctly. For example, the /tettra
option does not show up in your Slack app.
You can fix the Tettra slash command by resetting your Slack app permissions. Below is a step by step guide:
When you're on your Slack Workspace, click on the Workspace name on the top left. Click Tools & ettings and on the menu that will appear, click Manage apps.
This will take you to the Slack app directory. Look for and then click on Tettra Wiki.
Click on App Details:
Once you'd redirected to the Tettra app page, click Configuration.
On the Configuration tab, scroll to the bottom and click Remove App.
A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Remove App again.
This will redirect you to the permissions confirmation page. Click Allow.
Refresh Slack on your browser or restart your Slack app if you're using the app.