Setting up a Custom Domain for an External Site
This feature is available on paid plans. If you're in a free trial and would like to implement External Sites now, upgrade your account to a paid subscription.
A custom domain is optional. Setting up a custom domain removes "tettra" from the URL you use for your external site. To get started, see our article, Setting Up Your External Site.
Step 1. Navigate to External Sites
- Click the team name on the top left.
- Choose Team settings.
- Click on External sites.
- Click the three dots next to the site you want to work on.
- Click Edit.
Step 2: Add a domain
In the external site modal, add in the custom domain.
Step 3: DNS Records
We will send you (via email) the DNS records to point this domain to.
Step 4: Set up a CNAME record
At your domain provider, you will then need to setup a CNAME record pointing to the DNS server that we have provided for you.
After you set up the CNAME record for your custom domain, we will automatically issue the SSL certificate.
Usually, this process is automatic and the SSL certificate will be issued within a few minutes. If more than a couple of hours have passed and your custom domain isn't loading your External Site, then email us at [email protected]!
A Name Records
We do not support ANAME records for domain pointing; we only support CNAME records.
To configure your domain, use a CNAME record to point to our service. For example,
should point to
. If you need to point the root domain (e.g.,
), use an ANAME or ALIAS record if your DNS provider supports it.
If your DNS provider does not support ANAME or ALIAS records, you can set up an A-name redirect. This redirect will point the root domain to a subdomain that uses a CNAME record. For example, you can point `@` to an IP address for a redirect service and `www` to `` using a CNAME record.
NOTE: Security step!
If you delete your external site or change the domain, be sure to delete the CNAME record you created at your DNS provider after doing so - this prevents security risks.